Never have the consequences of my actions been so apparent as the day I became a new entrepreneur.
Each meeting or networking event I choose to attend leads to something else – the people I interact with change my path as I choose to engage with them and learn from them. I
This is most likely true of many situations in life. For example, when I was in university the classes I attended lead to the friendships I made which shaped my university days and experiences. The jobs I had post university lead to the friendships I made and those people are still some of my most treasured friends to this day. The choices we make definitely shape not only the people in our lives but our actual life events themselves.
What is different as an entrepreneur is perhaps the speed in which one interaction can totally change your view, your subsequent action, the business you receive, an introduction to a new path almost immediately. It all becomes clear as you are put in a situation where you have an abundant of choice all leading to potentially very different results. For me, it was the first time I actually was very aware of the shape I was giving my life by the choices I was making.
As I move through my first 8 months of business I have noticed that what I thought I would be doing is no longer what I am doing. The simple reason is I could not have know the people I would meet and the places they would take me at the start of my journey. It is that simple. The people that are the most influential right now were not in my life 8 months ago.
Since really nothing is the same day to day (at least at the beginning) you have to be willing to go with the flow in order to be successful at this game. You have to be willing to try and to experience many foreign things to arrive at what will ultimately be your destination and where you will settle, if only for a little while.
That is both the thrill and the scary part of jumping on the entrepreneur ship. To avoid being overwhelmed it is good to remember that you can always shift course – nothing is permanent – so you can change and add as the business grows and morphs. It is insanely freeing to stare into the unknown and truly, honestly have no idea of the outcome. It is the most liberating and wonderfully exciting experience I have ever had. The experience is worth every uncertainty as the reward has, so far, been exceptionally amazing. I have met the most wonderful people who are all on their respective journeys and are experiencing the delight of the unknown as well. No one is quite following my path – but everyone is supportive and excited for me. This is an amazing feeling to experience in life.
Until next time – decide, commit and action your dreams to love your life.
The Writing Suite is a writing focused company dedicated to creating compelling content to engage and encourage your customers. Contact us for any and all writing needs or questions. Follow us on social for all our updates.
Free Yourself to Be Yourself – The Writing Suite.
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