To feel confident as an entrepreneur I believe it boils to organization. Being organized is a bit of an oxymoron when you are an entrepreneur – juggler would be more appropriate. It is true that you are juggling more than you thought possible to make this work BUT you have to feel organized in some capacity to feel like you are getting somewhere.
After a few weeks, or more likely, months, you will start to feel organized and therefore you will feel like you are making progress. I know there are moments when you feel like this stage of your business will never come – but it does come, eventually. In my experience you will feel organized when you start to see a pattern in your business. If you have repeat clients, referrals, monthly retainers – these are the types of patterns that will start to give you some sense of organization and therefore, confidence!
The terror comes from the fact that there is no standard for you to work with. There is no guide book or even other employees to help you stay focused – all you have is yourself, and your own belief, that you have something valuable to offer the world.
The best advise you can hear is KEEP GOING KEEP GOING KEEP GOING (thank you Lauren Graham!)
You worked really hard to get to this point so you have to keep going! Stay confident, and know, that you know, as much as you need to know – and the rest will come.
The truth is, in the world of Entrepreneurship, no one is totally certain. Everyone is crossing their fingers and continuing to move forward. This uncertainly, and thirst for the unknown, is what makes us tick. It is what drives an entrepreneur to live outside the comfort zone, and basically, take up residency in the growth zone.
We don’t need certainty to survive, but we do need confidence. We are selling our confidence as much as we are selling our products or services. Figure out what it will take to make you feel organized and make sure that happens.
You have WORKED too hard to get here. You have changed EVERYTHING to go after your dream. You have QUIETED all the nay sayers and bullies who told you – you would never be enough and that you couldn’t get here. YOU alone have worked your a** off to make this happen – and you MADE it happen. Giving up now would be like making all the sacrifices to get on the honour roll, and then skipping your final examines, in fear of failure. Take that dirty f word and KILL it.
Until next time – dream, experience and love your life.
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Free Yourself to Be Yourself – The Writing Suite.
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