Now that I am living my passion, I am discovering that I am much more honest that when I was living a life that I was existing in, but not truly embracing.
I didn’t realize it at first, but now that I have been out of the corporate world for 8 months I realize that I was pretending to be who I needed to be to get ahead and to get through the day. As a result I didn’t bring my “real” life into my workplace. I always had a vastly different life at work, and at home, and the two never touched. The friends I had at work only came into my “real” life very infrequently and to be honest, very few actually become my friends in eh sense that they knew everything going on in my world outside of the office. This a few out of the 100’s of people I worked with, laughed with and loved for years. I just couldn’t bring myself to mix my two lives, and now I understand why.
I was totally surviving on a corporate level – meaning I was who they wanted me to be and who I needed to be to not get fired and to sail under the radar. I never felt comfortable – I actually was frequently dizzy to the point I had to grab something to stead myself, always tired, often had a stomach ache and headaches – and all of this I just thought was life. I didn’t realize this was stress until I started having unbelievable pain in my shoulders (I spend hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars on doctors to try to get rid of the pain) and painful eye infections that would not go away. When you are constantly pretending – your body has to react to that energy in one way or another.
Now that I am on my own path ALL of these symptoms have disappeared. It is truly amazing.
Living my passion, with struggles of course, I finally feel whole. I live full time in my real world. I invite people into my work and my life without hesitation. They will get the same person any time, and that this is such a relief.
I realized that I am SO much more open with everyone because I no longer have anything to hide and I am in harmony with my life, my choices and my world. Some of the things that come out of my mouth shock myself. I share secrets with virtual strangers, because I am finally able to be truly myself, that I didn’t share with people I had known for over 10 years. I’m so happy to be this open as it really changes the way you think, and more importantly – the peace that you feel inside. I now find ways to progress through the world with purpose and I am working on the clarity for the next chapter!
Until next time – dream, experience and love your life.
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