
YEAR 2 – Entrepreneurship and Army Brats
On a bright Dec day, I was walking my dog and thinking…what is it that makes me comfortable working in the uncertainty of Entrepreneurship? How is it that I can be comfortable here? Then it dawned on me like a lightning bolt from the sky: Being outside my comfort zone...

You Turn Right; They Turn Left
Being in the midst of the holiday season I always think of this story as I use it as a benchmark for judgment and perceptions. I would like to share my story as it may help you get excited AND stay excited about your 2019 goals - regardless of other people’s reactions...

Everything I learned about Entrepreneurship from Sly Stallone
My sister took me on a mystery trip a few months before I got married. She told me to pack a bag, bring my passport and meet her at the airport. I didn’t know until minutes before we were boarding the plane where we were going -and it tuned out to be Philly! My sis...

Lessons on Acting “As If” (fill in the blank) : calling all Entrepreneurs
I went to see the celebrated “Badass” author Jen Sincero speak, and she kept repeating “act as if”. I liked this mantra immediately but it took me a minute, more like 2 weeks, for this practice to really be absorbed and put into play. Jen S. was getting at the fact...

Less-Obvious Entrepreneur Struggles
Does every entrepreneur struggle? Yes. I can 100% confirm that every entrepreneur struggles. It is part of the job. However, the struggle, in my experience, comes from a number of less obvious factors. Let’s explore my top 3: A. Loneliness. Loneliness is really...

Finding Your Path AND Knowing You’ve Found It.
People always ask me how I knew what path to follow. My answer is consistent - to me writing is like breathing. If I can’t write and inspire then, well, then, what else is there? For me, there was only ever one path. As odd as this seems - when I was younger I used to...

Letting Go Of Security Is The Biggest Freedom.
What is security? You probably have a quick answer but what is it really? Security is a false sense of a constant state that you may believe would never change. Well, that is a nice theory BUT change is inevitable and it is something that, once you accept, really...

What is perspective anyway?
As a writer, I often ponder many thoughts and ideas. Lately, all I can think about is the concept of perspective. What is it? What does it mean? How do we gain perspective? Isn’t everything we do tied to our experiences and our own filters on the world so how can we...

How do you know when you’ve made it?
This question often comes to mind - “How do you know when you’ve made it?” I used to imagine what THAT moment would be like - when will I make it, what will that feel like, when will I be able to finally relax and let myself just sit back and say - yep, that’s it. I...

The Experience of Language.
We all EXPERIENCE language differently - this may sound strange as we all communicate with the same words BUT do you ever notice that when you talk to someone they often interpret your message differently than you intended? This happens more often then we realize and...
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