by Tara MacIntosh | Aug 26, 2017 | Blog, News Worthy
I want to dedicate this week to saying that it is important, nay (can you tell I’ve been reading my pal Shakespeare!) imperative, to make sure you are taking care of yourself on a personal level and (brace yourself) NOT feeling guilty about it! There is no doubt that...
by Tara MacIntosh | Aug 13, 2017 | Blog, News Worthy
Never have the consequences of my actions been so apparent as the day I became a new entrepreneur. Each meeting or networking event I choose to attend leads to something else – the people I interact with change my path as I choose to engage with them and learn...
by Tara MacIntosh | Jul 3, 2017 | Blog
I am a HUGE advocate for engaging with coaches in your life. Having a coach will help you accomplish a number of things – most notably the experience will teaches you about yourself and your personality (invaluable awareness for functioning in the world!). The...
by Tara MacIntosh | Jun 7, 2017 | Blog
The first thing I would tell anyone looking to start their own business is – if you have a day job, do not quit that job without some business in place to kick start your new business. The main reason is having a client, even one, will make it a lot easier to...
by Tara MacIntosh | Apr 17, 2017 | Blog
I’m very happy to report, that in my 3 short months of being in this new world, I have met the MOST fascinating entrepreneurs. They are just people, regular people like you and me, BUT they possess this need to make the world a better place. It is such a power within...
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